Primo corso KBS- Moyogi e Kengai

Kitora no do

Si è concluso ieri il primo corso di due giorni della Kitora’s Bonsai School.

È stato un weekend molto intenso, sono molto soddisfatto, devo ringraziare in primis Monica per avermi sostenuto in questi giorni e nell’organizzazione, Melanie per aver reso possibile un corso in due lingue, italiano e tedesco e il sostegno nella programmazione del corso, Franco per aver portato alla scuola un bel gruppo di ragazzi giovani e pieni d’entusiasmo. Un grazie di cuore a tutti gli studenti, nuovi e vecchi, che si sono impegnati nell’inizio di un percorso didattico molto impegnativo.

Sala teoriaIMG_1163IMG_1164

Lettura dei materiali


ProgettazioneIMG_1169IMG_1170IMG_1176Sala workshop

IMG_5049IMG_5050IMG_5051IMG_5052IMG_5053IMG_5054IMG_5055IMG_5056IMG_5057IMG_5058IMG_5059IMG_5060IMG_5061IMG_5063IMG_5065IMG_5067IMG_5068IMG_5069 Un bel gruppo

IMG_5070IMG_5071 Commento dei lavori fatti dagli studentiIMG_5072IMG_5073 Consegna degli attestati di partecipazione al primo corso
IMG_5075IMG_5076IMG_5077IMG_5079IMG_5080IMG_5081IMG_5082IMG_5083IMG_5084IMG_5085IMG_5086IMG_5087IMG_5088IMG_5089IMG_5090IMG_5091 tassetto shohinIMG_5092IMG_5093IMG_5094IMG_5096IMG_5098IMG_5101IMG_5103IMG_5104IMG_5105IMG_5106IMG_5107IMG_5108IMG_5110IMG_5113

complimenti a tutti gli studenti

ci rivediamo a Novembre per il secondo corso 😉

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casual friday: change from to

I was using for the last 3 years (hurray!!) but still didn’t find it quite satisfying. Not only because the followers are not increasing but also because the impossibility of custom change the design and other little features which are just not possible on So I decided to switch to a self-hosted version and ‘till now I am more than happy with it.

Since I work in the IT industry I didn’t have to struggle as much as do with bonsai J and can quite imagine that other no IT geeks can have some difficulties so I couldn’t help but wonder: does other bloggers have the same dilemma? or Keep it easy or increase to a higher level?

So let’s see the pro and cons of both worpdress systems.

The self-hosted version is much more expandable, custom made, flexible, better. So why is still so popular? In my eyes because is really easy to handle and for the most users this is reason enough to keep on going on a free platform. Of course there some upgrade you can make on but you need to pay for them.  And what is so special on the self-hosted version? My costs Fr. 17.- for the domain, Fr. 8.90 in month for the hosting (unlimited domain), I also purchased a template for Fr. 49.- to try it out. Basically my expensive for the year are pretty low considering that I am not aiming to earn money with this blog, but yet not free as can be.
On the other hand gives some features that I don’t have (or still didn’t find) in the self-hosted version. For example the reblogg option as well as the “like it” button for other users, only 2 features which I am pretty sure I can handle with a workaround (if you know, please leave a comment). Another advantage on is the liberty of add all kind of plugins than can help your blogging go along and increase in popularity and deserver a higher rate within Google. Although I am having again some problems with Google+ on one of my site; again nothing I can’t figure out.

The question is:  which to choose for your purpose?

There is no specific answer to this question, because both have they pro and cons. Are you willing to learn something new? Then you can choose Are you totally newbie in blogging and only wanted to try it out? Then is good for you.  I found a really nice article about the diversity of both and this image takes it to the point.

worpress pro and cons

As far as I’m concerned,  I can handle both and love them both the same way, although I prefer the for the challenge of creating something new as well as for the simplicity of it. I do have a page on which I do write as well as my new self-hosted page which I really love.

I have transferred my blog to so please be sure to subscribe for the latest news and I hope that the “old” followers will become my “new” followers.


…love, Melanie!

– See more at:



…love, Melanie!

Caterpillar Cafe

Ezdien and Suhaib

Friendship is what makes life magical, it’s sharing what is special and valuable with someone who is happy to see you happy. It’s a unique bond, brought about through regular, meaningful interaction. For kids this might mean playing together, sharing toys, meeting frequently enough to create lasting memories. As we grow and become more sophisticated and in tune with the outer world, we start relating friendship to loyalty and commitment and these traits will pour over into adulthood. These bonds often happen haphazardly in school, playgrounds, neighborhoods, or within families. But what if you just moved to a new country, don’t have any neighbors or have no family close by? Or what if the neighbors or family that you do have, don’t share the same language or simply play significantly differently or spend all their free time studying? Kids go to school for 4-5 hours per day, 5 days per…

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casual friday: Little Hunterman

The Little Hunterman

I discovered this little guy thank to Facebook and fell in love. Not only because Little Hunterman is a Parson Russel Terrier like our Kim, but also because the similarity to my own dog. He has such a refreshing art of telling stories. He has a rubber duck as buddy, loves to snooze on his pillows, he behaves exaclty like a dog does and his just hilarious.

 Xmas tree

Hope you find him as funny and entertaining as I do.

…love, Melanie!

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Why Caterpillar?

Caterpillar Cafe


Some of you may be wondering why a Cafe would be called Caterpillar? What does a bug have to do with that sumptuous, delicious hot drink? Actually Caterpillar came to me long before Cafe did, in fact Cafe was an incidental last minute addition! A Caterpillar is a bug that comes from an egg and after growing sufficiently, wraps itself into a cocoon and eventually turns into a butterfly. I love the idea of the various stages it undergoes in order to become something beautiful and admirable. This is how I see childhood, and this is what I would want for my kids, a healthy upbringing, complete with all that makes life whole (love, play, community, friendship, sharing, laughter, strong morals and a proper education along with healthy nutrition, sleep and physical activity), so that they can then go out into the world and make it a better, more beautiful…

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